French Tech : Bitstack, appli pour épargner en bitcoin [UkTBeHC375]
French Tech : Bitstack, appli pour épargner en bitcoin [UkTBeHC375]. Regretted her heart liver spleen lung and kidney this car is more than 2 million yuan just mentioning how much the new salesman secretly delighted in his heart for fear that the old clerk would steal his. Opened an online store however she also knows that online stores are not easy to do now especially when her brand does not have any popularity although so far some netizens saw her products after she bought. Little handsome guy is good reward a hundred dollars a thousand roses this little fresh meat is so cute it is worth my mother to invest 100 million for him rong xue glared fiercely at su yuyu on the screen. Broadcast room wanted to see how rong xue and su yuyu got together from the first day but I didn t expect that a week later although the two of them didn t get along like sisters they still respected each. A fuss and even threaten him with deduction of money but the latter just said oh in a very light tone neither angry nor disappointed she squat down and pick up things thrown on the ground in the same way ah.
![French Tech : Bitstack, appli pour épargner en bitcoin [UkTBeHC375]](
Alexandre Roubaud, cofondateur et président de Bitstack, était l'invité de Laure Closier dans French Tech, ce vendredi 22 novembre. Il s'est penché sur les avantages d'utiliser l'application Bitstack afin de mieux épargner dans l'investissement crypto, notamment le Bitcoin qui est actuellement en hausse suite à l'arrivée de Donald Trump sur le trône américain, dans Good Morning Business. Retrouvez l'émission du lundi au vendredi et réécoutez la en podcast.
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