Why Traditional Banks Fear This New Bitcoin Tech! | @keet_io #short #crypto #bitcointechnology [O8sEcipZDY]
Why Traditional Banks Fear This New Bitcoin Tech! | @keet_io #short #crypto #bitcointechnology [O8sEcipZDY]. Chiyu looked sideways her distaste for jiang wenzhi sublimated to disgust jiang wenzhi didn t care about liu shixuan s increasingly solemn expression she was wiping the table when someone tugged at her. Voice jiang wenzhi said softly the sun is too dazzling what a clumsy lie after all only her shoulders can be touched by the light in this position don t look at the scenery she shook her head well don t. Fu chiyu put one hand in his pocket raised his chin slightly and said just take a look come back right away alright then yourself be careful well let s go in jiang wenzhi took out the key he had just. In front of jiang wenzhi cha qin s boy seemed to be unable to stand it any longer and stopped the girls with his arms just come here classmates don t crowd I really can t get in let s go to the next game. Relief then let s go back jiang wenzhi suggested let s take the no 56 bus cen yao looked at her puzzled I wanted to ask when I came isn t route 13 closer why sit around 56 way beautiful huanhuan jiang. Colleagues took a taxi back to wangyue xinyuan after expressing gratitude to each other on the way the driver s car drove very steadily and jiang wenzhi did not forget to give him a five star praise when he. Jiang wenzhi smiled laughed recklessly she pressed the corner of her mouth to prevent it from trembling who cares about being your friend hahaha fu chiyu who is your friend oh sorry I forgot as if thinking.
![Why Traditional Banks Fear This New Bitcoin Tech! | @keet_io #short #crypto #bitcointechnology [O8sEcipZDY]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2MbFEN5LUg8/hqdefault.jpg)
Exactly. Like, I mean, it feels like, so I think tether is amazing product is a, is a product that is so simple and so useful that actually has been disrupting an entire industry. That is the financial and payment industry, but it came along as a really simple idea. And as a way, as a complimentary way to Bitcoin, right? 2014, cryptocurrency and blockchain world was completely different. We're just few exchanges, Bitfinex, Kraken, Bitstamp, Coinbase, OKCoin, BTCC. Trading across exchanges, moving money across exchanges, arbitraging was super difficult. So Giancarlo Devasini, our CFO, came up with this idea of creating, like reusing the same brilliant technology that Bitcoin was using, but just putting a dollar on top of it. So it's really simple as that. Mike Peterson - @Bitcoinbeach Paolo Ardoino - @paoloardoino @keet_io Episode link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F3s1KIaG7g&t=22s Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-bitcoin-be-el-salvadors-lifesaver-as-bukele/id1655949969?i=1000646727064 Social Channels: https://twitter.com/Bitcoinbeach https://www.instagram.com/bitcoinbeach_sv https://www.tiktok.com/@livefrombitcoinbeach https://www.bitcoinbeach.com
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